Human-centered Solutions
With AI and SaaS

Deploy scalable, AI-powered enterprise SaaS solutions.


Evolve with
AI and human

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping every industry and function, offering unprecedented opportunities and efficiency improvements. At our core, we create solutions that challenge conventional practices, connect with human emotions, and pave the way for future advancements. We integrate the power of Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise SaaS with expert advisory, design, and creativity.

Humanize, provides cutting-edge AI and GenAI-integrated ‘Low-Code-No-Code’ SaaS solutions to enterprises. Together, we aim to build a future that is sustainable and inclusive for businesses, people, and the planet.


Enterprise Evolution

Boost operational efficiency of enterprise functions through AI-led hyper-automation

Drive holistic self-healing business processes leveraging AI, Low-code / No-code,
and SaaS solutions to enhance adaptability and long-term success.


  • Vision Alignment
  • Proof of Value
  • Consulting


  • Architecture Design
  • Application Design
  • Experience Design


  • Configuration
  • Customization
  • Integration


  • Implementation
  • Value Measurement
  • Value Realization & Change Management
Business Evolution

Accelerate business model innovation with scalable AI-integrated Industrial SaaS solutions

Confluence of AI, Industry, and SaaS Platforms with plug-and-play Industry use
cases to address specific business challenges.


  • Use-case Discovery
  • Business Case
  • Roadmap & Action Planning


  • Process Redesign
  • Platform Fitment
  • SaaS Solution Map


  • Configuration
  • Integration
  • Technical Application, and Business Service Portfolio Management


  • Implementation
  • Value Measurement
  • Value Realization & Change Management
Technology Evolution

Expedite modernization of IT real estate with AI-powered accelerators for SaaS

Accelerating time-to-market by harnessing AI’s potential to streamline processes and achieve faster outcomes. Offering more reliable results for your business.


  • Product selection
  • Process Mapping
  • Business Requirement
  • Service Design
  • Consulting


  • System Design
  • Process Design
  • HLD/ LLD Documentation


  • Configuration
  • Development
  • Testing


  • Implementation
  • Post-production support
  • Value Realization


Humanaize™ suite is designed to cater to a wide range of industries, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. We bring specialized knowledge and tailored solutions to the following sectors:

  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Retail
  • Consumer goods
  • Lifestyle
  • Banking
  • Financial services
  • Fashion

Choose Us?

We empathize

We own your problems, work with you to co-create solutions. Our Industry Consulting experts powered by AI creates best-of-breed solutions

We collaborate

Co-creation, rapid prototyping, and enterprise scale implementation of industrial use cases to capitalize on new opportunities. Expedite time-to-market with our AI platform

We disrupt. Together.

We deliver ‘value’ against ‘volume and manpower,’ ‘services-as-a-software’ against ‘economic services,’ and ‘business as a service’ as against ‘servicing a business.’